PCC Covenant
Virtual Townhall Meeting

We are gathering to Worship, Work, Witness and Walk together.

Saturday, November 14 at 12:00 PM EST
Monday, November 16 at 7:00 PM EST

A Word to Those within the Presbyterian Church in Canada Who Consider Themselves Evangelical, Conservative, Orthodox, or Traditional:

There is much that unites us: we worship and serve the same Lord, we hold the same convictions about the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures, and we seek to order our lives and our ministries under the authority of our sovereign God and His revealed Word.

Different circumstances will lead us to follow Christ faithfully in different directions, and none of these directions is a better or worse calling than another.

We are feeling called in different directions:

  • Some of us feel called to stay within the denomination and support the denomination.
  • Some of us feel called to seek theological separation within the denomination.
  • Some us feel called to leave the denomination.
  • Some us feel called to wait and pray rather than deciding upon any direction at this time.

The Lord will strengthen us if we come together as one body in Christ:

  • to worship together at the feet of Jesus, and build our fellowship with one another,
  • to accept each other’s callings and support one other,
  • to understand each other and learn from each other,
  • to help each other achieve our individual callings in wisdom, knowledge and grace, and
  • to discuss how to overcome any opposition that may emerge from the broader denomination.

To this end, we invite you to participate in a series of virtual townhall meetings.